In Javanese culture, when a woman pregnancy is reaching 7 months old there would be a ritual held called mitoni. One of the ritual.. actually three.. okay part of the ritual are involving 2 coconut with a drawing of Kamajaya, who supposed to be so handsome, and Kamaratih who supposed to be beautiful. So if it’s a boy then hopefully he will handsome as Kamajaya and if it’s a girl will be pretty like Kamaratih. They are two characters from shadow puppet folklore.
Anyway, I got the job to draw the coconut. Unplanned, thunder in daylight, never done it before, they only have 2 coconuts so no room for error. I got the image reference on a paper, and somehow I have sort of like an iron chopstick, don’t know exactly what it is. So I start to experiment on the small part of the coconut, and understood that you only need to wounded the skin by pressing or carving using the stick.
Skip skip, I finished the drawing and everybody really like it, I also like it. Then after a while I googled to see any similar works to compare, but what surprised me they all have a full body drawing! What !! The reference that the family gave me are only the heads ! Then I thought hey it’s cool, maybe I’m the only one who draw the heads only :).